Schools services
OFSTED have identified many strengths in the special educational needs and/or disabilities system. One area that Ofsted are placing an increased focus on is educational settings showing how external provisions and training can impact on a child’s development.
Approximately 1.4 million children in the UK have long term speech and language needs; Deniece Dyer’s Speech and Language service aims to show impact through using measurable well-researched and high-quality training and interventions to support individuals with communication needs.
Deniece provides a service which involves her attending educational settings for an agreed amount days per academic year; this could involve attending settings for full days, half days, a block of sessions or one visit. How this time is used can be directed by the educational setting themselves with some guidance from Deniece.
School packages could include:
- Providing well-structured screening tools for early identification of children with SLCN
- Carrying out initial assessments with advice for teaching staff and parents to carry out in school and at home
- Delivering individual therapy with the view of teaching staff carrying out work with children during the week
- With John Bercow’s report and the introductions of EHCP’s schools may find that delivering intervention and assessment for children with an EHCP is a target area for them
- Providing advice to support the EHCP process for children
- Secondary transition work
- Providing group interventions that work on specific areas e.g. attention/focus, developing vocabulary, building on sentence structure/narrative skills, supporting inferential comprehension
- Training staff to carry out intervention groups
- Training staff on specific topics such as speech and language development, indicators of a speech and language need, Language delay, language disorder, the importance of providing a communication friendly classroom, Autism. This may be carried out face- face or in small group sessions, via zoom or twilight sessions in small face-face groups
- Whole school initiatives that focus on specific areas such as emotional regulation, learning and literacy
- Deniece is happy to put together a package that suits educational settings individual needs and that is within a budget.
Deniece provides 3 levels of support; universal, targeted and specialist levels which are dependent on individual's needs.
Univeral support:
This support looks at communication and language across whole classes or whole settings. This level includes training, communication audits, supporting teaching, providing support and advice for staff and screening programmes. -
Targeted support:
This level involves reviews, updating targets according to individual's current needs, observations of staff with feedback and language/communication programmes. -
Specialist support:
This level involves direct work with the speech and language therapist for assessment and intervention.
All Deniece requires is:
- Access to a fob in order to move around educational settings with ease
- Access to a computer and printer in order to print speech and language resources
- Access to a computer to create a speech and language shared folder on the drive with relevant speech and language resources.
- A quiet space for 1:1 and small group sessions to take place in school